Friday, October 31, 2008

Notes on Zoning Update Committee October 29 Meeting

On Wednesday October 29, several stakeholder groups provided their thoughts and vision for Oakland to the Zoning Update Committee. These groups included the Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, Oakland Builders Alliance, Oakland Heritage Alliance, CALM, and East Bay Housing Coalition.

There appear to be two main areas still requiring resolution: 1) what will be the final and permitted building heights along the downtown edge of Lake Merritt and 2) the final implementation strategy for the Fine Grain approach to zoning as the method for accomplishing historic preservation and economic development downtown.

With regard to building height limits, it is fair to say that the process has reached an impasse. The impasse is the result of the City of Oakland's unjustified position to permit buildings of 170 feet and higher in some areas by the Lake. This is in clear contrast to CALM's proposal for 55 foot height limits. Please see the staff report here: October 29, 2008, ZUC Staff Report

CALM's presentation focused entirely on specific General Plan policies and provisions which require the City to maintain and enhance the Gold Coast neighborhood, respect and preserve the historic properties and districts, and to protect important views into and away from downtown. CALM also pointed out that the General Plan directs new high-density housing away from the Gold Coast and Lake area.

It is clear that City staff has not considered the policies and directives of the General Plan in its height recommendations by Lake Merritt. CALM was please to be the first to bring actual General Plan materials into the rezoning process. The entire rezoning process for the CBD was initiated by the City Council in December, 2007, for the express purpose of bringing the Zoning Code into compliance with Oakland's General Plan. CALM will continue to press for limited building heights at Lake Merritt in compliance with Oakland's General Plan.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 6 Combined Central Business District Rezoning Meeting

On Monday October 6, a combined meeting of the Zoning Update Committee (ZUC) and the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (LPAB) will take place to consider the LPAB's comments and recommendations on potential strategies, regulations, and incentives to retain and protect historic resources in the Central Business District (CBD). The ZUC previously requested the LPAB review proposed amendments to the zoning regulations in the CBD. In response, the LPAB held a series of meetings in July, August, and September which included public input from CALM, Oakland Heritage Alliance, Oakland Builders Alliance, and other interested parties.

The LPAB has now issued its report and recommendations based on those meetings and the combined meeting will consider the LPAB's recommendations on the 6th. You may read the staff report here: October 6 Combined ZUC/LPAB Staff Report

Most notably for CALM, the LPAB has tentatively recommended the 55 foot height limit along Lakeside Drive at the edge of Lake Merritt. The exception in this regard is that the LPAB recommends the somewhat higher building height of 85 feet at 19th Street and in the vicinity of Snow Park. We will continue to advocate the 55 foot limit for the entire area along Lakeside Drive, but we are encouraged by the LPAB recommendations at the Lake.

Additionally, CALM is pleased with many of the recommendations in the report, especially the report's detailed consideration of the effect of building heights on historic properties and areas. The LPAB recommends using a "Fine-Grain" approach to the rezoning with respect to historic resources. This approach identifies sub-areas in the CBD in order to align height with identified historic districts, such as the Lakeside Apartment District by the Lake, in order to maintain the integrity of historic districts and properties.

The October 6 combined meeting of the ZUC and LPAB will take place in Hearing Room 1, City Hall, One Frank H. Ogawa Plaza at 5:30pm.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Considers Lake Merritt Height Limits

September 15, 2008, LPAB Staff Report

Recap of August ZUC Meetings

On August 20, the ZUC met to continue the CBD rezoning discussion. CALM made clear its disapproval of the increase in recommended building heights at the Lake since the ZUCs last meeting. Staff had changed its recommendation from 150 feet to 170 feet with no explanation for the increase in either the staff report published before the meeting or from the ZUC during the meeting.

Numerous other speakers expressed their displeasure with the increase. The ZUC took our comments, along with numerous comments from citizen and from Oakland Heritage Alliance.

Happily, without changing the staff recommendation, the ZUC did not adopt or approve the recommendation but instead scheduled additional hearings. This is a long process but CALM is encouraged that the recommnedation was not adopted. It was only two months ago, in July, that CALM made its 55 foot height limit proposal. We feel like we are making progress and we will continue to meet with the ZUC and advocate development controls and height limits at the edge of Lake Merritt.
August 20, 2008 ZUC Staff Report

Friday, August 1, 2008

Two Meetings In August

There will be two meetings during August at which rezoning at Lake Merritt will be discussed. The first will be the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (LPAB) on August 11 at 6:00 pm in Hearing Room One at City Hall. Rezoning of the entire Central Business District including Lake Merritt will be discussed. August 11, 2008, LPAB Staff Report

The LPAB has been asked by the Zoning Update Committee to make recommendations regarding historic preservation issues to be considered in the downtown rezoning the CBD. CALM will make a presentation about the history of the park land at Lakeside Drive and also about the historic buildings within the 300' zone where heights should be limited. We will ask the LPAB to recommend adoption of our 55' height limit proposal at Lakeside Drive to the zoning committee.

The second meeting will be walking tour sponosored by City of Oakland for the Zoning Update Committee. This tour will be on Monday, August 18 from 5:30 - 7:30. As part of the rezoning process for the Central Business District, staff will be leading a walking tour of a portion of downtown near Lake Merritt. More information will be circulated including a map and meeting location as things get finalized. The walking tour will discuss issues such as historic buildings, height and bulk regulations, building design, and other subjects related to the proposal. August 18, 2008, ZUC Walking Tour

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Zoning Update Committee Meeting-July 16

The Zoning Update Committee will again consider and take public comments regarding rezoning of the Central Business District on Wednesday July 16 at 4:00 pm at City Hall in Hearing Room One.

CALM will make a detailed presentation at the meeting and we are asking everyone who supports building height limits at Lake Merritt to send messages to the Commissioners. For those who can attend the meeting, you are encouraged to do so, to speak, or to otherwise express your support.

Neil Gray, Planner III, City of OaklandEmail:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Community Meeting at Snow Park, July 12

CALM is sponsoring a community meeting at Snow Park near the corner of 19th and Harrison Streets on Saturday July 12 at 1:00 pm. We will be providing further information and updates on our effort to limit building heights at the downtown edge of Lake Merritt. We hope you can join us for this short time so that we can meet one another and build support for this effort.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Contacts for the Next Zoning Update Committee

For a number of years, it has been apparent to many Oakland residents and Lake-users that building height limits are needed along the edge of Lake Merritt. Because the City of Oakland is currently rezoning the edge of the Lake, now is the time to accomplish this. Tribune Article

On July 16, 2008, the Zoning Update Committee (ZUC) will again discuss rezoning in the Central Business District (CBD). As you know, the Coalition of Advocates for Lake Merritt (CALM) is spear-heading an effort to rezone the edge of Lake Merritt for lower building heights. We are asking for heights to be limited to 55' or 5/6 floors within 300' of Lakeside Drive along the length of Lakeside Drive from 14th Street at the Fire Alarm site to Snow Park. This area is also known as the Gold Coast neighborhood.


Following are some of the important reasons why CALM is making the proposal for height limits:

-Tall buildings are often out of context with many of the historic buildings in the Gold Coast neighborhood.

-Allowing new tall buildings will encourage the destruction and replacement of lower, historic buildings.

-Views looking toward and away from Lake Merritt are obstructed by tall buildings and create a "wall" at the edge of the Lake.

-Sunlight and solar access are blocked by tall buildings, which also degrade the open space of park lands surrounding the Lake or next to tall buildings.

Below is the contact information for each ZUC member and also for Neil Gray, the City of Oakland planner who works directly on the rezoning.

Phone: (510)286-2937, Fax: (510)835-0415

Phone: (510)835-5900; Fax:(510)663-4662

Phone (415) 392-4200; Fax: (415) 392-4250

Neil Gray, Planner III
City of Oakland
Phone: (510)238-3878

CALM is asking everyone to call, write or email each member of the ZUC and Mr. Gray. This is one of the most important steps to take in getting the height limits: we must let the ZUC and the City know who we are and know what we want for this area of the Lake.

We suggest that you include any or all of the points mentioned above or you may copy from the following short statement (which is from CALM's petition). Of course, feel free to express your own thoughts on the subject to the ZUC as well:

"The Gold Coast is a diverse urban community with an abundance of culturally-significant buildings two to six stories in height which should be preserved and enhanced. High-rise buildings in close proximity to the Lake will have severe and damaging impacts on the character of this community and will also degrade the natural environment and open space of Lake Merritt and its adjacent park lands."

"I/we urge the Zoning Update Committee to adopt CALM's proposal to limit building heights within 300' of Lakeside Drive at Lake Merritt to no more than 55' or 5-6 stories."

Whatever you do in this regard, whether you call, write, or email, will be greatly appreciated.

Finally, CALM is planning a short community meeting on Saturday July 12 in the Lake area to get to know each other and to share information and contacts for the rezoning effort. We will let you know the time and location as soon as possible but please reserve a little time that day, if you can.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Views of the Current Situation

Looking east toward Lake Merritt from Jackson Street. Although the "wall of buildings" facing the lake on Lakeside Drive is very evident, there are still significant view corridors to be preserved (click on the images for close-up views).

View corridor at the corner of 17th Street & Lakside Drive. Both apartment buildings face Lakeside Park which is immediately across the street.

Looking north along Jackson Street and outward toward Lake Merritt from inside the Gold Coast neighborhood. Note the predominate low-rise character of the area and the row of high-rise structures at the edge which is Lakeside Drive and 19th Street.

Looking east toward Lake Merritt from Madison Street with the Scottish Rite Temple to the far right. Madison Street in this area is comprised almost entirely of low-rise apartment buildings. This picture clearly shows a portion of the "wall of buildings" which block views and access to Lake Merritt.

View corridor along 17th Street looking toward Lake Merritt. Replacing the short, blue building on the lower left of the picture with a 10-12 story structure would create a "street wall" along this section of 17th Street. (See below)

Under the current rezoning proposal for this section of 17th Street, the short pale-blue building on the left (17th & Jackson Streets) could be replaced by a 10-12 story building which is the height of the building immediately behind it. The buildings on this street are all within 300' of Lakeside Drive.

The pictures above and below show view corridors and historic properties which can be preserved by limiting building heights along Lakeside Drive.

Cameron-Stanford House at 14th and Lakeside Drive.

View corridor from Madison Street toward Lake Merritt

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board, June 9, 2008

The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (LPAB) will receive an Informational Presentation regarding the current rezoning initiative in the CBD. The meeting will be at 6:00 pm in Hearing Room One at City Hall. The LPAB will consider the rezoning more broadly at a future in order to provide recommendations to the Zoning Update Committee and the Planning Commission on the protection of historic resources.

This will be the first public meeting at which CALM will present the plan for lower building heights within 300' of Lakeside Drive in the Gold Coast neighborhood. We urge everyone who supports the 6 story/300' proposal to either attend the meeting on June 9 or to contact the Community and Economic Development Agency contacts regarding the rezoning. They are: Neil Gray at 510-238-3878, and Eric Angstadt,

Saturday, June 7, 2008

CALM's Rezoning Proposal for the Gold Coast Neighborhood

As part of the City of Oakland's current initiative to rezone the Central Business District, CALM proposes that the City adopt zoning regulations specifically for the Gold Coast neighborhood. The zoning proposed by CALM is to limit building heights to 55' or five to six floors within 300' of the Lakeside Drive along the western edge of Lake Merritt. These limitations will apply to the area beginning at 14th Street & Lakeside Drive (including the Fire Alarm site) and follow Lakeside Drive to Snow Park. From this Lakeside Drive line, the zone extends 300' into the Gold Coast neighborhood. May 21, 2008, ZUC Staff Report


The Coalition of Advocates for Lake Merritt (CALM) is an all-volunteer group of Oakland residents, professionals, and activists focused on protecting and improving the environs at Lake Merritt and preserving its surrounding parks and historic neighborhoods. CALM has been active in Oakland since 2001 when the City of Oakland offered to sell park land on 12th Street at the south end of Lake Merritt for private development. Cathedral

As an alternative to selling park land, CALM submitted a community-based proposal to remove traffic lanes and reclaim park land at 12th Street. The proposal was eventually accepted by the City and became part of the Lake Merritt Master Plan. Lake Merritt Master Plan Soon after, Measure DD was placed on the ballot by the Oakland City Council and included the CALM plan. Measure DD passed by a margin of 80% - 20% in 2002 and has already funded numerous restoration and reclaimation projects throughout Oakland, and will reclaim park land at Lake Merritt and reconnect it to the Lake. Measure DD

This blog deals with the City of Oakland's 2008 initiative to rezone the Central Business District (CBD). Working within this rezoning process, CALM's membership and supporters are providing specific proposals to preserve the historic buildings, social fabric, park land, and open space of the Gold Coast neighborhood of the CBD. CBD Rezoning Map