Looking east toward Lake Merritt from Jackson Street. Although the "wall of buildings" facing the lake on Lakeside Drive is very evident, there are still significant view corridors to be preserved (click on the images for close-up views).

View corridor at the corner of 17th Street & Lakside Drive. Both apartment buildings face Lakeside Park which is immediately across the street.

Looking north along Jackson Street and outward toward Lake Merritt from inside the Gold Coast neighborhood. Note the predominate low-rise character of the area and the row of high-rise structures at the edge which is Lakeside Drive and 19th Street.

Looking east toward Lake Merritt from Madison Street with the Scottish Rite Temple to the far right. Madison Street in this area is comprised almost entirely of low-rise apartment buildings. This picture clearly shows a portion of the "wall of buildings" which block views and access to Lake Merritt.

View corridor along 17th Street looking toward Lake Merritt. Replacing the short, blue building on the lower left of the picture with a 10-12 story structure would create a "street wall" along this section of 17th Street. (See below)

Under the current rezoning proposal for this section of 17th Street, the short pale-blue building on the left (17th & Jackson Streets) could be replaced by a 10-12 story building which is the height of the building immediately behind it. The buildings on this street are all within 300' of Lakeside Drive.

The pictures above and below show view corridors and historic properties which can be preserved by limiting building heights along Lakeside Drive.

Cameron-Stanford House at 14th and Lakeside Drive.

View corridor from Madison Street toward Lake Merritt
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