CALM is sponsoring a community meeting at Snow Park near the corner of 19th and Harrison Streets on Saturday July 12 at 1:00 pm. We will be providing further information and updates on our effort to limit building heights at the downtown edge of Lake Merritt. We hope you can join us for this short time so that we can meet one another and build support for this effort.
You left a post on tribe.net, and then disappeared.
We're all confused. We don't have any problems with big buildings around the lake, and don't understand your objections.
Hi anonymous. Thanks for your message. I posted the information about the Saturday meeting on Tribe so that people will know about the meeting.
With regarding the to building height issue, there a lot of people, both Oakland residents and beyond, who prefer lower building heights at Lake Merritt. And because the City of Oakland is currently going through a rezoning process which will affect the edge of Lake Merritt, CALM is acting as the lead organization for those people who would like to building and development controls implemented at Lake Merritt as an outcome of the rezoning.
If you look through the information on the blog, you will find all of the reasons why CALM is asking for development controls. The footprint of the area we are seeking controls for is less than 5% of the entire downtown – we think this is very reasonable.
Great work.
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